1 definition by notyourmomspodcast

In Norse mythology, a nymp is a healing and powerful animal spirit which embodies or creates the guise of a sculpted, beastly, male demigod. Inhabiting woodlands, valleys, caves, mountains, rivers, and some civilizations, nymps often suffered the attentions of woman, notably those of the humans; the free-spirited Odium turned himself into a ratatoskr to avoid the clamoring women and their endless vexatious amorous advances often.

Today, "nymp" is rarely used but would refer to a charismatic, monstrous, god-like male healer with a big heart who oozes pheromones and energy that attracts the feminine easily. Nymps have an insatiable appetite for love and capacity to satisfy multiple partners sexually, sensually and intimately (i.e., a sucessful polyamorous relationship).
A nymp (Odium) selflessly thinking of others desires, transformed many miserable, long-suffering human woman on the island into goddesses and saving them from death, allowing them to trust and feel love again. They would return back to the world with new sense of purpose and vision for a happy, loves filled world.
"Odium, the only nymp known to man, moved through the crowd of woman like a human through a rain storm. Every woman in there was like a drop of water. Falling on him hoping they would stick and he would carry them home with him"
by notyourmomspodcast January 16, 2018
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