1 definition by notyourbaby

An overconfident ass who will lead a girl on just to let her down. Sometimes later apologizes only to say "send nudes" once the girl has welcomed him back into her trust. Boys like this will pretend to genuinely care one minute, and be emotionless the next. He is the definition of 'mixed signals'. Do NOT fall for his charms. Typically will call you baby girl and say cute things to get his claws on your emotions. If a girl tries to stand up to him he will likely deny everything and turn it around on the girl, making her feel stupid. Boys like this are egotistical assholes who can not be trusted and are hard to get rid of because they know all the right things to say.
Sierna: "He is so sweet to me and takes me out, but tells me not to catch feelings.. why does he do this to me?"
Payton: "He is a fuckboy Sierna! He's playing games, do not let him break your heart!!"
by notyourbaby December 21, 2016
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