1 definition by notimeforbullshite

A modern day descendant of a number of noble masters of rap and beyond, who include not only black people but those of other shades.
Some of these ancestors include The Last Poets and Woody Guthrie.

The single most significant difference between the present day rappers and the original real rappers is the intent.

Last Poets spoke out about civil rights, social issues facing black people.
Woody Guthrie spoke out for those who were victimized or taken by the ones who had money and power, including politicians.

Modern day rappers are most often motivated by sexual superiority of male over female, their money and possessions (which include cars, jewelry, electronics, and women etc in that order), drugs, and violence without reason.
So in the context of the Last Poets and Woody Guthrie, they are The Enemy Within.
The Last Poets are the rapper grandfathers, alongside Keorapetse Kgositsile and Woody Guthrie.
by notimeforbullshite January 31, 2010
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