2 definitions by not_yaro

The best kind of friend. Smart and funny, usually good-looking. Cares a lot for their friends and is always there for them when they need help. Always puts their friends before themselves, even to a point where it's self-destructive. A Matt may seem to not be very special from the outside, but once you get to know them you'll want them to stay in your life forever. Usually addicted to alcohol and/or energy drinks.
Person 1: You know Matt?
Person 2: Yeah, Matt is, like, the greatest friend ever or something.
by not_yaro January 18, 2022
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A revolutionary leader in Democratic Kampuchea whose visionary reforms brought the country out of the disaster that was the Cambodian Civil War.
There is no actual evidence that he committed any genocide.
Person 1: Pol Pot did nothing wrong.
Person 2: based
by not_yaro April 18, 2021
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