2 definitions by nigward32

The type of nigga who buys a game two weeks early and then invites you to play just so he can beat you and say he just got the game yesterday. Basically a nigga ass hat. Probably likes to 2k like a nigga would also calls anime a cartoon when it's really gold.
"Jimmy was being a Rayshaun when i went to his house"
by nigward32 March 18, 2019
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The type of nigga who buys a game two weeks early and then invites you to play just so he can beat you and say he just got the game yesterday. Basically a nigga ass hat. Probably likes to 2k like a nigga would also calls anime a cartoon when it's really gold.
"Bro Jimmy was being a Rayshaun when he invited to his house"
"Stop acting like a Rayshaun"
by nigward32 March 18, 2019
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