2 definitions by nicocoer

From the diminutive of Aspergers, "Aspie" and the Greek -philia φιλία = love.

1) A sexual attraction to geeks.
I've found that many female Doctor Who fans have Aspophilia.

I knew I was an Aspophiliac as soon as I listened to his Quantum Mechanics lecture.
by nicocoer April 20, 2009
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1. (n) an idea which asserts that atypical (neurodivergent) neurological development is a normal human difference that is to be recognized and respected as any other human variation; The concept of there being a diversity in neurology of humans just as there is a diversity of other traits.

2. (n) A movement in the advocacy community believing that Autism (and sometimes other Neurological Conditions) should have its positive attributes embraced, and affirms the inherent worth of all Autistics as human beings.
1. The Neurodiversity in my family is vast, from my grandmother's Autism to my mother's Narcolepsy to my brother's ADHD.

2. Jim Sinclair, Ari Ne'eman, and Amanda Baggs are well known advocates in the Neurodiversity movement.
by nicocoer August 12, 2009
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