1 definition by nba_kid_2000

One of three states (Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota) that have absolute hicks there. The hicks never a) leave the state b) think they're in "God's Country" c) look down on every other state in the union d) act as if their state is the only state that matters e) think they're hot shit and f) are just plain morons.

Apparently they're also all really poor and don't use credit cards, they only use cash. They suck at financial matters.

They also go up to "the lake" a lot on weekends and get indignant when you've never heard of whatever lake they're talking about.
Q: Have you ever been to Las Vegas?
A: No, why would I leave Wisconsin? I've got everything I need right here. This is God's country.

Q: Have you ever heard of Branson, MO? It's the second most visited tourist spot in the U.S. besides Vegas.
A: And Wisconsin.
Q: No, Wisconsin didn't make the list, but Vegas did, and Branson is the premiere tourist spot for families -
A: And Wisconsin.
Q: Whatever.

Q: When was the last time you went on a vacation and saw something new?
A: My parents and I went on a trip around the state and saw everything that Wisconsin had. It was so fun!

Q: What are you doing this weekend?
A: I'm going up to the lake!
Q: Oh, cool. What lake?
A: Lake _____ (something that ends in an "e" sound)
Q: Yeah, never heard of it.
A: OHHH! You've never heard of LAKE _____ (something that ends in an "e" sound)??!! Where have you been? Everyone knows Lake ____ (something that ends in an "e" sound)!!

Q: When was the last time you went and did something really exciting? Do you want to visit new places?
A: Nope, I go up to the lake and I have a cabin there and that's good enough for me. We go up there every weekend and that's what we like and we don't need nothin' else.

Q: Do you have a credit card?
A: Nope! We only use cash! No credit cards! Can I send you a money order?

by nba_kid_2000 December 26, 2008
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