4 definitions by nautilus

To fuck another person. This is a spin of lay the pipe, but in a much more poignant manner.
I was piping down this bitch last night when, all of a sudden, her roommate walked into the room. Then I piped her down too.
by nautilus January 25, 2005
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White Anglo Saxon Protestant, a historical term describing american Caucasians of early English descent. Politically, refers to high status, influential white males.
"That WASP likes to flaunt his early american ancestry and political influence at cocktail parties and society events."
by nautilus July 20, 2015
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He is a person that is very Kindhearted, sweet,caring,funny,protective,nice and always there for youwhen you need him.He can get get a little annoying but still a good person. And when he gets mad he will curse you out.
Nazer is so kind to I think I like him.
by nautilus November 15, 2018
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