1 definition by na;uswife

Naʻu is VERY handsome!! He will do anything and everything to make you happy. Heʻs someone that will always put you before himself. Naʻu is the most loving supporting guy you will ever meet. And if you get a chance to date him ( but you wont because heʻs taken) he will treat you like a queen and make sure youʻre comfortable and secure 24/7. Heʻs also a very good listener. heʻs the kind of person that will drop everything just to listen to you or if you need to, you can vent to him. Naʻu isnʻt the type of guy to gossip about girls or talk bad about someone, your secrets are alway safe with him. Not only does he have a kind heart but heʻs VERY cute, handsome, adorable and heʻs basically husband material. His smile will just brighten up your day, and his eyes will make you fall deeper and deeper in love with him, and his voice will make you feel secure and safe. Some people take advantage of Naʻu because of how sweet he is but those people could never change his kind heart and sweet personality. Aside from being a good listener and being very heart felt he has a hilarious sense of humor and personality. He can make your mood go from sad, to overjoyed in seconds. Heʻs the type of person to make you laugh and make your whole day. And his hugs, they just make you feel so comfortable and warm, and his cuddle will make you feel like thereʻs nothing the world that can hurt you, and his kisses will make you feel like youʻre floating and nothing in the world matters.
naʻu is an amazing loving guy

naʻu is husband material
by na;uswife March 10, 2021
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