10 definitions by nOmega

when drinking milk you though was going to bad on a certain day, but you learned that day was some time ago.
Person: "Uh oh, my milk is going bad today!"

Bob: "Well give it an expiration chug!"

Person: "Gulps" "Dude, im thinking that was a post-expiration chug"

*Loud Barf"
by nOmega November 19, 2009
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When a poor sap actually falls victim to worshipping the almighty pancake. This can be full blown religious worship or even just ruining breakfeast variety.
Chance: "dude i love pancakes"
Aj: "Serious pancakeism i see"
by nOmega November 12, 2009
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When you finally get out of a waffle no matter what it is. Or when you eat your last waffle on a dinner plate your desperate to finish.
Joe: Wow i got away from those thugs!
Bob: Looks like you got unWaffled.
by nOmega November 24, 2009
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