2 definitions by mxgy

(1) adj: Having a detailed knowledge of mundane or insignificant facts.

(2) adj: Taking unusual pleasure in turning nouns into adjectives by adding "ie" to the ends of words -- for no apparent reason.

(3) adj: Knowing how to find fun stuff to do.
Because I'm Pamelesque, I decided to sit down on the couchie-thing and recite all English words beginning with "ang" that don't rhyme with "hanger."
by mxgy November 7, 2011
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Adjective: Prone to trying to prove annoying points; well known throughout the civilized world to always thing he/she is correct.
The fact that you would argue that "swagga" is acceptable slang merely demonstrates the degree to which you are lysackular.
by mxgy August 6, 2010
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