2 definitions by mrcrescentfresh

White obsessed with Asians.

These are typically your computer science students or students of other such engineering programs who find themselves obsessed with anime, then eventually hentai and then eventually real life asians.
Ho Lee: Who is that guy carrying your books, have you gone to the light side?

Li Li: Oh him, no hes just some wowa that follows me wherever I go.
by mrcrescentfresh April 27, 2007
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adverb: Description for a promiscuous set who have a defined 'relationship' but are not an official couple. For this reason, the term provides clarity, while also ironicly providing intentional ambiguity of the nature of said 'relationship'.

The term is derived from the frequency of these sets to arrive at Bojangles from the 10am-1pm range during any given weekend that follows a night of heavy drinking which leads to afore mentioned promiscuous choices. The act is driven by the desperate thirst for sweet tea, and not caring who sees the two of you at bojangles because the need for a hangover cure is so great

These sets typically arrive only as a pair and both in pajamas and sandals. The ladies of this set also typically sport mens shirts and pony tails.
setting: 11:30am, Saturday morning, apartment complex.

dude 1: Hey man, is Hillary still going out with Trevor?
dude 2: No they broke up last week, why?
dude 1: Ahhhh, I went to grab some food and saw her with Chad. Are they dating?
dude 2: No...I dont think so.
dude 1: They...um...Bojangling?
dude 2: Sounds like it!
by mrcrescentfresh August 21, 2006
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