2 definitions by monkey with a type-writer

A Shit baby is a shit so large that it takes more than a couple flushes and maybe a plunger, usually taking up to an hour to birth. Be sure to watch out for any After-shit if you experience or enter a bathroom previously used to birth a Shit baby"
Kevin: "Ryan, why'd you take so long on the toilet?"
Ryan: "Sorry man, had to birth a Shit baby AND wipe up the After-shit."
Kevin: "Ew, Ryan, TMI."
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After-shit is piss, toilet water, or any other bodily fluids that either splash up onto your butthole or the even more disgusting, that you sit on when having a Shit baby or accidentally sitting on a toilet seat after some other ass hat had a Shit baby and didn't clean it up.
Ryan: "SHIT!"
Kevin, in another stall: "Ryan?"
Ryan: "I just sat down without looking first and now there's After-shit all over my ass."
Kevin: "Ryan what the fuck have I told you. TMI."
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