5 definitions by miss michele

one who is stupid and simple yet nasty like a pimple. Even if you could get over grossiosity you still couldn't stand the fugly retard
there was a girl/rat from nantucket that just wouldn't kick the bucket. trying to reason and tolerate twas insane, but b/c life was so mundane, sadly i couldn't complain. that is untill the day i won, a trip away from the pimpleton !
and that's when i shot the pimpleton... muwhhahahahahaaha and was rewarded for doing the earth a service.
some things just shouldn't be in the gene pool
by miss michele March 14, 2008
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1. something so great, so good, it reaches the awesomeness of an orgasm; pure magic

1a. Oh My Gosh, these strawberries are orgasmical!!!!!! they are so 'effing good!

1b. person A: so how was your weekend?
person B: *sighs* orgasmical...
by miss michele March 13, 2008
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one who knows all things concerning the gooch and all things gooch related. usually a friend with a lot of pervy knowledge and b/c of that creepy plethora of knowledge you usually ask in full confidence w/o feeling too uncomfortable. that friend will either become the next Sue Johanson's or a gyno
i once knew the gooch guru of all things sexual; quite informative but not too akweird.
by miss michele March 14, 2008
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the state of ultimate grossness and disgust.
a pimpleton has a lot of grossiosity and is retarded.
by miss michele March 15, 2008
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when the situation surpasses all levels of awkwardness and weird and meld into it's own new level. this usually involves being caught in some one sided incest fest or any other odd uncomfortable situation.
akweird situation 1.

your priest/Rabi/reverend/bishop walk in on you doing something you shouldn't while they're doing something they shouldn't (sexual or otherwise). that tense situation increases until something weird breaks the ice like a streaker shows up or a mime..

akweird situation 2
a relative has a "thing" for you and your significant other finds that hot. no one said it wasn't going to be gross

akweird situation 3.
your parent drags you to the shrink to talk about sex dreams they've been having involving you and a family orgy
by miss michele March 14, 2008
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