3 definitions by mini_man543
guy) i'm bored, im gunna watch lolporn.
girl) hang on i'll show you the vid of the whore breaking her jaw.
girl) hang on i'll show you the vid of the whore breaking her jaw.
by mini_man543 August 14, 2008
To binge on a song or artist.
The act of repeatedly and obsessively listening to a particular song or artist over a relatively short period of time. Periods of song binging are followed by extended periods of skipping the certain track or artist, leaving them unplayed.
The act of repeatedly and obsessively listening to a particular song or artist over a relatively short period of time. Periods of song binging are followed by extended periods of skipping the certain track or artist, leaving them unplayed.
girl: omg, im so bloody obsessed with fall out boy's new song!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive played it 84 times in the last 24hrs!!!
guy: stop song binging and go listen to other shit for once.
guy: stop song binging and go listen to other shit for once.
by mini_man543 July 26, 2008
Panic at the disco's attempt to possibly recreate the beatles' sound. Most evident in the song Behind the sea.
Differs from their previous album, A fever you can't sweat out, by ryan's added vocals, and removal of the somewhat techno aspect.
A real change to there old stuff, more slow and soft as opposed to old fast and loud.
Also signifies the start of the era in which the band removed the exclamation mark in their name. Why? beats me, seemed kinda pointless.
No doubt people will probably be disappointed with the change, they lost what they were.
Differs from their previous album, A fever you can't sweat out, by ryan's added vocals, and removal of the somewhat techno aspect.
A real change to there old stuff, more slow and soft as opposed to old fast and loud.
Also signifies the start of the era in which the band removed the exclamation mark in their name. Why? beats me, seemed kinda pointless.
No doubt people will probably be disappointed with the change, they lost what they were.
guy 1) Wtf are you listening to? Is this the Beatles?
guy 2) No dude this is Panic at the Disco. Havent you heard their new album pretty odd?
guy 1) NO! *changes song to Lying is the.....* THIS is real panic!.
guy 2) No dude this is Panic at the Disco. Havent you heard their new album pretty odd?
guy 1) NO! *changes song to Lying is the.....* THIS is real panic!.
by mini_man543 April 2, 2008