3 definitions by minecraftpinksheep420

a fucking legend in all discord servers

(WARNING: do not approach if you wish to keep sanity intact)
noob: hey did you see that fucked up think Toxic1707 sent in #geñeral ?
hack: f*ck i have to mute him again
by minecraftpinksheep420 April 17, 2021
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Simply a traitor, usually for their own gain/profit. As known biblically, judas was the narc of jesus so he could get a few coins. This type of traitor is willing do do anything to get what they want, and sometimes dont even know it. It gets tricky at that point because if it is a situation with two people then one is usually manipulating the other into being a judas, which is like judas^2 or something… point is a judas is a traitor, the worst of their kind
“Hey man my best friend was getting with my girlfriend while we were dating”
“Ugh. What a judas
by minecraftpinksheep420 January 29, 2022
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a fucking simp 🤧🤮🥱😪😈💩💩🤡😎🤪🤓🧐😕😏😏
-hey have you heard of HackGaming?

-whadda simp

-hack sucks
by minecraftpinksheep420 May 6, 2021
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