2 definitions by mike client

A romantard is a delusional person that believes roman reigns is a good wrestler and has good mic skills dispute the fact that world lobed different . Romantards are known to be combative whenever someone tells the truth that roman reigns sucks
Hey Mike klient did you see that romantard post that roman reigns can actually wrestle? Yeah forest he's delusional
by mike client January 29, 2015
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Any person that believes in john cena and what he stands for.also any body who believes he can wrestle or is has had a positive impact on the sport of professional wrestling. Cenatards may be delusional in thinking that john cena is best thing to ever happen to professional wrestling and have been known to become abusive towards anyone who does not agree with them.
Hey forest this guy really thinks john cena earned his title shot.yeah mike he a real cenatard!!
by mike client October 24, 2014
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