1 definition by meityler

Parissa is my girlfriend I love her more than anything and she is a perfect balance of beautiful, gorgeous, funny, and sweet. She is obsessive and clingy but in a good way and she would do anything to make you feel better even though she might be sad or upset. She has the prettiest brown eyes like a very pretty, silky horse fur color and sparkles like an iced tea on a hot summer day. And she is very insecure about her nose, but I think it's really cute and nice. She is a lot of work and she will be very stubborn at times but just be patient with her and its worth it. She is everything you'd need, her love language is physical touch, she plays games with you, she buys you gifts, and she gives the best hugs and kisses. She loves jigsaw puzzles, croissants, ice cream, bagels, sushi, chicken wings, coke, and pizza. She is easygoing and has a lot of personality, so if you are shy don't worry because she has enough personality to make up for the both of us. She really really cares about me and I really love her.
by meityler January 17, 2022
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