3 definitions by meaosome


The legalization of drugs in quantities that don't help
Jim: Fuck these antidepressants arent working I must need more
Bob: *holding bar of chocolate* wrong awnser
by meaosome June 7, 2019
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Sorry... did I say GiveMeMoney? I meant Patreon.
Thanks for watching my 10:11 video (with 10:11 of ads.) If your rich (and/or) dumb enough to want to give me y- I mean support my channel, go to the link in the description at givememoney.com, I mean patreon.com and donate! If it’s a little or a lot it only helps if it’s a lot and I can’t wait to receive my cas- I mean support from you guys!

-45/70% of all youtubers who produce videos every 1/5 days
by meaosome November 15, 2017
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Big Shaq our lord and savior: ThE tINg gOeS SKRRRRRA! pA PA Pa pA PA!
by meaosome March 17, 2018
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