1 definition by mckenzie1

Shammered: Originated from the use of a construction tool term, 'hammered', to describe excess alcohol in the body. 'Shit' from the origin of curse, is commonly used as an adjective to modify a noun in a positive, negative, derogative, or usually a useless sense. It sometimes can be used alone and still be considered a complete sentence as do other words of the curse origin. In this term the root word 'hammered' is being modified by the term 'shit'. Thus the adjective 'shit' is positively or negatively describing the state of hammered. This still does not define the 'shit hammered' experience as being a positive or a negative one. That is a personal decision. 'Shit hammered' has over time been shortend or slurred to end up being pronounced 'shammered'. Or something close.
"shammerdly, shammerdest, shammerding"
"Damn I am shammered!"
"You are walking very shammerdly."
"That's the shammerdest thing I have ever seen"
"You should be shammered of yourself"
etc... you get the picture...
by mckenzie1 February 7, 2006
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