1 definition by mcblazed
The region in Stamford above the Merritt Parkway. Usually people from North Stamford go to Westhill, King, Fairfield Prep, and occasionally boarding school. North Stamford can be equated to Shippan, yet it is in the woods instead of on the water. The upside is that there are many places to blaze that are not hotboy, unlike Shippan. The downside is that you have to drive everywhere, and driving to parties sucks. Neighbors are also narcs, so you have to be careful when you have parties.
Is there anything goin on tonight in North Stamford?
Yea someones having a party on mayapple
Damn, that shits too far away.
Yea lets just blaze instead
Yea someones having a party on mayapple
Damn, that shits too far away.
Yea lets just blaze instead
by mcblazed July 23, 2010