4 definitions by marvihs

The most awesome guy in the world. He is a genuine and a true friend. His values are integrity and honesty. His selfless nature is his teaching to the world
Woman: Hey there's a guy in my office who's just the best character I've met.

Man: He must be a Shivram K
by marvihs July 28, 2019
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Most honest , trustworthy and a great human being. People get friends like Shivram K after doing lot of sacrifice.
Woman: Hey there's this guy I met , only the best person to be friends with.
Man: He's Shivram K , you say!!
by marvihs July 28, 2019
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It's a term to describe the most irritating person ever. An Ishu would just irritate everyone until the other person sues them.
Synonyms:Irritating , Stupid, Hitler, Unpleasant
Man 1: Hey I am going to sue this person for irritating me into depression.
Man 2: You just met an Ishu.
by marvihs July 28, 2019
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It's derogatory term to describe the most irritating human being ever. An Ishu person's day job would be to irritate everyone around and make them hate themselves.

Synonyms: Irritating , stupid, hitler, ugly
Man 1: I am going to sue the crap out of that person for being irritating.
Man 2: Ya I know, What an I***Ishu.
Man 1:Hey I don't think this person's bad enough to be called I***Ishu
by marvihs July 28, 2019
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