2 definitions by many,lols

the person (normally replacement)who is either happy to bull boots or is shit on by his squad and made to bull thier boots otherwise naked roll mat fighting in the showers normally insues
you newby to the squad you are now the boot bitch, and the brew bitch hahaha
by many,lols August 25, 2009
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a standard millitary grenade but with the explosive removed and replaced with the highly powdered date rape drug Rohypnol. making the L69A1. well ugly men will never have to go to sleep by themselves plus now you and all your friends can score all at once
mike: omg john look at those girls over there we will never score them
john: ow i disagree MASSIVELY (brings out the L69A1 date rape grenade)

mike+john: hello women :D
by many,lols August 25, 2009
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