1 definition by malarkeylark

1. Historically - A term that Harlem residents in the 1920s used for white women who joined the Harlem Renaissance. Suspected by black people and white people alike, they risked ostracism for pushing the boundaries.
2. Modern usage - white girl at a nonwhite event
At a black/latino event:
Black chick: What's that white girl doing here?!
Chico: Miss Anne can't dance.
*they stare*
Black chick: So let's go teach her then.
Chico: Uhhhh ... you serious?
*girl dances hips swaying, dragging him along*
Chico: ... yo alright alright.
White girl: omg hi!!! My parents will totally kill me if they knew I was here. Like, isn't this awesome!!!
by malarkeylark October 8, 2013
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