3 definitions by maekaelaygi rl


when you are happy, or really excited and wanna show it
stop being sad and put a smile on that face!!!!!1
by maekaelaygi rl April 3, 2020
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bhad bhabie

a racist white girl who tries to"talk black" and walks around thinkin' she's all that.
friend 1: why u acting like woah vicky

friend 2: i'd rather be bhad bhabie, cause at least she don't use some fake site to try to fit in with black people
by maekaelaygi rl April 1, 2020
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left on red

when you text someone and then ,then they don't text you back when they've obviously seen the text.
i texted her to days ago and she always checks her phone
" then you got left on red. move on."
by maekaelaygi rl April 4, 2020
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