1 definition by loserkid123456789

a place full of white republicans and close minded people.

the high schools are made up of

-mainly rich rich white girls that spend all of their parents money at the one mall in town. They are the ones in the slutty clothes that dress up as victoria secret models for halloween. They like sex and clothes...thats about it
-jock boys that love steroids and alcohol. They smoke weed and do drugs since everyone in pleasanton can afford that. They drive the most expensive cars they can get. They have sex with the girls above. They wear socks that go above their ankles and they all have the same style (those vans everyone has, the long socks, baseball jackets, diamond earrings, shaved heads). They are the most annoying people you will meet.
-the scene freshman. They wear bright colors, dye their hair, listen to retarded music, carry skateboards, they like suspenders, they make out with each other, they shop at either hot topic or zumiez. it looks like they jumped out of a coloring book. SUPER ANNOYING
-the scene/hxc/emo/goth kids. As stated before, they wet themselves to MSI. they shop ONLY at hot topic. They conform to every "non-conformist" thing. They wear the ugliest things (tripp pants, chains, mesh, fish nets, skull candy headphones, video game t-shirts, huge belts, scarves, tutus) I have no clue where they get their style, but honestly....come on!!! They watch pokemon, play their gameboys, smoke weed, drink, cry about their feelings, they are almost all gay, they are all sluts, they are almost all douchebags.
-normal kids. They are there doing nothing

and that is what pleasanton is made of.
"What is that kid wearing over there???"

"Oh thats just a wannabe emo/hxc kid from pleasanton"
by loserkid123456789 April 14, 2009
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