1 definition by lollerskates

Asshat singer with lousy publicist and very poor damage control.

From his publicist statement to Reuters
"He wasn't hurt or anything, but just the fact that he was there and all that." AR PR Marketing

From the official website " Contrary to statements made in the article, Omarion is in no way affiliated with the pr marketing firm mentioned in the piece. The "publicist" quoted in the article is not a legitimate representative of the artist, is not known to the artist, and is not acting on the artist's behalf.
Omarion regrets any association with the article and hopes that fans will not be taken in by unfounded and unauthorized statements."

Doubt it? Google "AR PR Marketing" and "Omarion"
That Omarion wanker got pwned by a quick search on Google proving that was his publicist.
by lollerskates July 9, 2005
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