2 definitions by lizzie.g

A person who doesn't care about plastic or any other clique so long they now there a surfer. A surfer is not just a person who says dude or radical or totally a lot they are just wannabee's, a surfer is someone that actually surfs.Surfers are really laid back and can not be contained they are free.Sometimes surfers can be very funny.
surfer:hey i just got a new animal board do u wnna come down to the beach on the weekend and see if we can catch some waves?

wannabee:uhh dude...
by lizzie.g February 2, 2008
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A chavette is the most common clique there is.They can usually be found in big groups.They are very shallow and air headed.They are scared of everything that is different and anyone that confronts them automatically becomes a goth or emo.Or as chavettes call them gofs.
They normally wear gold earings,extremely short skirts,crop tops,there hair plastered to the side of there face(with gel),loads of lip gloss.And chavs (the boy version) wear track suits.
Chavette:Oi u gof *looks at girl* wat did u say bout me yesturday?U tryin to slag me off or somethin?

Girl:Umm...exscuse me.Who are you?
by lizzie.g February 12, 2008
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