3 definitions by little peach

A very complicated guy to figure out, yet someone who has the personality of the most likeable characteristics such as humor, charm, kindness, willingness, persuasiveness, intelligence, motivated, control, helpfulness, sweet, friendliness; someone who is very attractive in more ways besides his outer appearance, and most of all, has the ability to love.
I wish I still had my Maicen S. because he was the best thing that ever happened to me.
by little peach February 5, 2016
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Kate is the sweetest person I've ever met. She's very loving, caring and oh so beautiful. I love her with all my heart. She's the greatest friend anyone could have. I'm thankful I met this person. She has the greatest taste in fashion, this girl just might grow up to be the greatest fashion designer ever! Kate loves to sing and she has such a wonderful voice! She loves her friends dearly and loves to be around them. She loves to smile, if you see her smile you'll start to smile too. Kate I love you so much.

Katieboo is my bestest friend Katieboo is a Gorgeous girl Katieboo is just perfect
by little peach November 14, 2012
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Someone who loves too much and cares too much for others and always ends up getting hurt. You can kick her to the curb yet she will still find a way to forgive you.
Sariya is a strong person
by little peach January 31, 2016
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