2 definitions by lingling maguyver

When you are taking a rather large size shit and it gets sucked back up your butt which may feel like you are getting raped in the asshole.
One day i was sitting on the the toilet and i was taking a shit. This wasnt any old shit. This was a old,smelly,corny,crust,terrible shit. then suddenly, i couldnt push it out anymore and it came right back in. it felt like i was getting raped by my old jailmate bubba. He was black and had a 12 inch cock....around. The bad part was that he wasnt using lube.... and that is what a shitfuck is. for more info type in poopfrik
by lingling maguyver August 5, 2008
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A junior word for "shitfuck" whick is when you are taking a massive shit and you shit retreats to your anal cavity.
My little brother came running out of the bathroom saying "i just got poopfriked!!"
by lingling maguyver August 5, 2008
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