3 definitions by lilspiker

A vegan who finds an excuse for eating oysters by claiming oysters belong in the plant kingdom instead of the animal kingdom. Ostrovegans do not eat any meat or animal byproduct like milk, cheese, honey, etc. except for when it comes to oysters based on the idea that oysters probably do not feel pain.
Guy: These bivalves look delicious.

Girl: I thought you were vegan?

Guy: No worries, oysters are basically plants. I'm ostrovegan.
by lilspiker January 2, 2017
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Veganuary is a New Years resolution fad where someone decides only eat vegan meals for the month of January. Some people try Veganuary for health reasons, to get fit, or to mix up their regular diet. Others try Veganuary to reduce the suffering of animals.
I'm vegetarian now, but I think I'm going to try Veganuary to see if I'm capable of going full vegan.

I want to lose 10 lbs...maybe I should try Veganuary.
by lilspiker January 2, 2017
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A semitarian is a part-time vegan or vegetarian: too much of a wuss to go 100% in but they put in the half-assed effort. They may eat only some types of meat (like oyster vegan or pescatarian), they may consciously choose not to eat meat on certain days (Meat Free Monday), or they may only eat meat on certain days (cheat meal). They may be semitarian for health reasons, simply not care, or find full-time veganism or vegetarianism to be too time-consuming or difficult.
James: I've been vegetarian with one meat meal exception a month.

Sarah: That's semitarian...
James: No, it's vegetarian with 1 meat meal dammit. I don't like labels. I'm a millenial!

It's Meat-Free Monday! Time to flex my semitarian muscles.

Maybe I just dont care THAT much about veganism. I'm doing my part eating meat only on rare occasions. It would be more impactful to make a ponzi scheme for veganism. The results would be exponential. Until then, I'm semitarian.

My doctor told me I have to reduce my meat intake to reduce my risk of chronic preventable disease. So I cut out all meat--except for burgers.
by lilspiker January 2, 2017
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