2 definitions by lilsisugotthat$

Tall mother fucker who loving and caring will have ur back also referred as lear ,or woo ,homie from 707 or 865 but if he borrow money off u don't expect it back. , never give a learland something to give some one, he just keep it . Learland is a hustler , if u have something he like he try hustling it from u . But has big heart at the end of day
1)My dad said he gave learland $50 buck to give me , yet that punk ass bitch kept it! he told me he had to use it and pay me back . Yet that learland still owe that $50 and never will pay me my money ... 2) me :thank for be there learland and for help me . But do u have my money u owe me? Lear: I think I will have it by tomorrow or later to day, let me hit u later I'll get back at u , I got to go sell this and meet that chick at 3 I'll hit u up after .... Me: do u got it now lear: no she never came by I'll have it tomorrow I promise . Lear: I know I owe them but fuck it they can wait .
by lilsisugotthat$ May 4, 2023
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Big brothers I love, who on my team , yet he thinks I don't need what r dad papa woo gave him to give to me , its ok I ain't mad u player I think u may of forgot ur gold chain I told u I had bitch !😂so $ before chain or I'm going to start team up with r enemies hiya! And hiya her name mean victory 🙌🏻
Team play name learland who take from his own team player cuz he untitled and think his player wouldnt of found out.! 2) hey that my brother lear he claim were on same team yet he didn't give me what was respectful mine and been months. Dam learland !
by lilsisugotthat$ May 4, 2023
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