5 definitions by levyyyyy

something used instead of the words "I swear to god"
kid 1: bro I did your mom last night
kid:2 no you didn't

kid:1 on god i did
by levyyyyy May 4, 2022
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something that Dakota likes to kiss is a very funny way. one time he went ultra speed on MLK's face it was scary.
Dakota stop kissing your Martin Luther King Jr textbook you vuster.
by levyyyyy October 21, 2022
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words used to be said before the word BATMAN
na na na na na na na na BATMAN
by levyyyyy May 4, 2022
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when Dakota does something classic. when he does something that only Dakota does.
"Dakota why are you kissing your book" "classic Dakota"
by levyyyyy November 4, 2022
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a town that is very real, because it has houses and a guy, has a pool. and it also has a church.
"flint indiana is not real" "yes it is you vuster"
by levyyyyy May 31, 2023
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