2 definitions by leavemealone333

stupid town in the east bay area with a bunch of entitled white kids. they all think they’re the shit and have juuls to try to look hard but they’ll tell on u if u call them a bitch. everyone is fake annoying and rich. 90% of the white boys there say slurs and try to act tough. every house there is like 1mil+ so shut them up if they say they’re from the streets. bonus bitch points if they call it ptown. i won’t even start on the karens there. don’t get caught going two over the speed limit or j walking because they will call in and report u.
have u ever gone to pleasanton?
no i heard the initiation process of entering there is someone shoving a stick up ur ass.
by leavemealone333 March 31, 2021
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funny meme page/STD testing center but i think u have to be gay to get some of the jokes
her: have you seen useyourcondom on instagram?
me: yes but i don’t get this post because i’m straight
by leavemealone333 April 19, 2021
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