2 definitions by le fou

n. One who, in there self-pitying self-loathing (such as a teenieemobopper), turns their remorse into agression and lashes out at those around them.

v. The act of heavily guilt-tripping a person by use of self-pity, esp. when the guilt shall actively harm or upset the guilted; "emotagaonism"

emo + antagonist
aggro + angst
That Raz is such an emotagonist, he got dumped so he beat the shit out of his ex.
by le fou October 2, 2006
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fucking + ignorant.
To be so ignorant, people must say "fucking" infront of it to truely capture how dense one is.
"Fugnent" is born out of a need to say it even faster, so as not to dwell on the clueless person.

fugnance: the act or being fugnent.
"That Tiara-girl, she's so fugnent, she doesn't even realise no one likes her!"
"How fugnent are you, Matt? You can't name yourself on Urban Dictionary!"
"Racists are so fugnent."
by le fou July 26, 2006
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