2 definitions by laz3rb33m
Combination of Bro and Pony. A male fan of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Bronies typically are (but not limited to) ages 15-30. Many people regard bronies as "creepy" or as "pedophiles" but this is not true at all. The reason My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is so popular among older male viewers, is because it doesn't market itself for little girls, it has great character development, it's funny as hell, and it's just plain entertaining. Anybody who judges a brony obviously has not seen the show for themselves or is too insecure to risk their "manliness" by watching MLP.
1) That guy is a brony what a creep
2)Shut up man, you obviously haven't seen the show. It's really good.
1)Whatever dude. (*Thinks about how he wants to watch the show, but is too insecure about what people will think of him.)
2)Shut up man, you obviously haven't seen the show. It's really good.
1)Whatever dude. (*Thinks about how he wants to watch the show, but is too insecure about what people will think of him.)
by laz3rb33m November 24, 2011
An amazing cartoon whose fan base consists of not only little girls, (and is not limited too...) teenage guys and older known as "bronies". It is well liked for the show's interesting plot lines, well developed characters, and nostalgic feel. Often times Bronies will be ridiculed by idiots who think guys are weird for watching a show with a target demographic of toddlers, but almost all of the time, the ridiculers have never seen one episode and jump to the conclusion that anyone over the age of 13 that watched My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a loser. This is not true, in fact, many Bronies are often smarter and much better people than losers who insult you for watching the show.
1) If everyone watched My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, then there would be world peace.
2) If only people would watch an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic before insulting others.
2) If only people would watch an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic before insulting others.
by laz3rb33m November 24, 2011