2 definitions by lalalalololou

Advaiddh, "Adi" for short, is the best friend you could ever ask for. He'll always be by your side and ALL the girls want him. When you see him in the hallway your heart will flutter and your body will tingle. His smile can light up anyone's face. He may annoy you and act stupid at times, but he's a cutie and such a lovable dork. Advaiddh is such an easy person to talk to and has many friends, but if you value him he will value you. His perfect girl's name starts with an "S". But, If you ever meet an Advaiddh in your life, cherish him forever, you'll never find one like him again, seriously.
Friend 1: Bro, he's such an Advaiddh.

Friend 2: IKR!
by lalalalololou September 29, 2023
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a name was given to an individual named, "Adi" to refer to something stupid
The boy named Adi is just like a Wadi.
by lalalalololou July 31, 2023
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