5 definitions by kozacore


An umbrella term, and sexuality, that means attraction to more than one gender. Sexualities that fit under the umbrella are, pansexual, omnisexual, and polysexual to name the ones I know.
Cory: Do you have a crush on anyone?

Stella: Well, a few people...

Cory: Were they boys? Girls?

Stella: Well, I'm bisexual... and for me that means I can be attracted to just about anyone of any gender. Some people have it different though, sometimes being only attracted to men and women. It depends on the person of what they like and you should respect people regardless of what it is.
by kozacore June 14, 2020
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He/her is a set of pronouns containing both the pronoun sets of she/her and he/him. It is used typically by people who identify as both masculine and feminine genders, but anyone who feels comfortable with them can use these pronouns if they fit you.

In some cases the person putting he first instead of she can indicate a preference for he, but this is not ever case and can be the opposite or they can be equal.
Oh, Darell goes by he/her pronouns. It means he can be called she or he. Sometimes she prefers one over the other as well.
by kozacore November 29, 2020
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She/he is a set of pronouns containing both the pronoun sets of she/her and he/him. It is used typically by people who identify as both masculine and feminine genders, but anyone who feels comfortable with them can use these pronouns if they fit you.

In some cases the person putting she first instead of he can indicate a preference for she, but this is not ever case and can be the opposite or they can be equal.
Oh, Darell goes by she/he pronouns. It means he can be called she or he. Sometimes she prefers one over the other as well.
by kozacore November 29, 2020
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He/she is a set of pronouns containing both the pronoun sets of she/her and he/him. It is used typically by people who identify as both masculine and feminine genders, but anyone who feels comfortable with them can use these pronouns if they fit you.

In some cases the person putting he first instead of she can indicate a preference for he, but this is not every case and can be the opposite or they can be equal.
Oh, Darell goes by he/she pronouns. It means he can be called she or he. Sometimes she prefers one over the other as well.
by kozacore November 29, 2020
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She/him is a set of pronouns containing both the pronoun sets of she/her and he/him. It is used typically by people who identify as both masculine and feminine genders, but anyone who feels comfortable with them can use these pronouns if they fit you.

In some cases the person putting she first instead of he can indicate a preference for she, but this is not ever case and can be the opposite or they can be equal.
Oh, Darell goes by she/him pronouns. It means he can be called she or he. Sometimes she prefers one over the other as well.
by kozacore November 29, 2020
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