1 definition by kitteeeeen.

Your average disney show about a horsefaced little girl trying to overcome multiple personality syndrome.

Apparently a blonde costume wig can fool all of America, who knew. Yeah, the acting is terrible, but what do you expect from a kid's show. This girl isn't very pretty, and her voice slightly reminds everyone of their drunk uncle's.

But here's something even weirder. "Hannah Montana" was born Destiny Hope Cyrus. Then she joined the show as Hannah Montana, and Miley Ray Stewart. So this little girl changes her name to Miley Ray Cyrus. That's just weird, I'm even confused.

Does anyone else actually become their television character?

Another thing, she's a terrible role model. While at first she was sweet and corny, now she has gotten about 5-10 racy pictures leaked. I don't mean Vanity Fair, I mean Wet-White-T-Shirt-That's-All-In-The-Shower-Sent-To-Nick-Jonas.

There were obviously many little girl who would have done a much better job, but based on her father's one hit country wonder, our fake accent hit came to be.

god, help us.
Hannah Montana is slowly taking over the world with her nonsense lyrics and strange mental defects.
by kitteeeeen. September 7, 2008
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