26 definitions by king kong NINJA

a word you use to further piss off detailed oriented people when they're squabbling over what clearly are to you, moot points, or matters of minor significance, surface shit. when used correctly, it elicits immediate correction from the offended party.
- "cucumbers are my favorite vegetable"
- "actually, cucumbers are a fruit"
- "whatever, enough semanatics"
- "it's semantics, and i don't see how that applies to this"
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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an word with adjective, verb, and noun forms used to describe any activity in which an undersexed overhorny person (usually pubescent and male) lies, stoops, oggles, or performs any other number of usually shameful and tacky acts shamelessly on the premise that it's okay if it leads to sex.
(adj.) when he pretended his mom died of cancer so she'd sleep over, that was pretty macchi. (verb) please don't let me drink tonight guys, i'm afraid if i get drunk i'm going to macchi the first fat chick i see. (noun) it was a total macchi when you shouted out the wrong girl's name in bed and then kept shouting out wrong names so she'd think you were joking.
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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(noun.) uncontrollable hairtrigger laughter. known to occur at slumber parties after the topless pillowfight.
after we started talking about how weird our chemistry teacher is, tamara flung a tampon at jamie. after that it was pretty much a nonstop gigglefest
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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sex which is carried out with the good natured humor and exuberance of a muppet. also can refer to sloppy sex which still manages to be very pleasurable.
we bumped heads a couple of times, and ended up laughing. he kept making these weird faces on purpose. all in all it was a muppet fuck. i think he's a keeper.
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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A person who uses words in some way to procure expensive material items, which they have a great proclivity to. Notable examples are rappers, lawyers, and screenwriters.
That luda is quite the blinguist.
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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