1 definition by katiefuturedoctor

The T.V. show that holds the title for Best Drama, which follows the lives of gorgeous doctors working at Seattle Grace Hospital. This brilliant drama, which airs on Thursday nights, is filled with beautiful and talented actors, fascinating real medical cases, intelligent humor, and steamy relationships between doctors. BEST FUCKING SHOW EVER.
98.4% of married women would leave their husbands for Dr. McDreamy.

You don't watch Grey's Anatomy? You're a heathen.

girl 1: "OMG did you watch Grey's last night?
girl 2: "Nah, I watched scrubs."
girl 1: What? You suck at life! Who the fuck watches Scrubs?

I look forward more to Thursdays than I do to weekends. Gahh I love Grey's!

"I would self induce brain cancer if it meant getting treated by that babe Dr. Shepherd!"

Jack Nicholson watches Grey's Anatomy.
by katiefuturedoctor March 24, 2007
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