1 definition by katathryn

Lead singer and guitarist for band Nirvana. Married to Courtney Love and had 1 child, daughter Frances Bean. Was not the most talented musician, by far, but definitly had the most impact on music of the 90's. Stupid metalheads and rap wannabe's hate him, because he was successful without all the glitz and gimmicks and skanky women(well, one skanky woman). Had a lot of mental problems, as obvious to anyone who has read his journals or paid attention to his lyrics. But, his profound lyrics combined with then unheard of musical stylings started one the biggest musical movements of the past 30 years.
No one knows what Kurt Cobain would have done with the rest of his life, but it's a shame we couldn't find out by him taking it's natural course.
by katathryn March 19, 2009
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