3 definitions by justthoughtiwouldshare

adj. when your butt is all dirty from riding in the NYC subways
Jeff: “Hey get off the clean hotel bed, you have a subway butt!”
Sarah: “Okay, okay, I will!”
by justthoughtiwouldshare May 22, 2020
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adj: that psychotic moment when you’re just🙂🙂🙂
Jeff: man i’m feeling a lil socneintoelrbee
Crowd: *screams*
by justthoughtiwouldshare May 22, 2020
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something so special, unique, and exotic it needs a fancy name.
Jeff: hey look it’s the class of 2020!!
Sarah: oh yeahh! i love them they’re very socneintoelrbee
by justthoughtiwouldshare May 24, 2020
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