2 definitions by just for m'lady

Very cold. They'll rather spend time reading yaoi smut than with their friends. They will use you if they can so they usually keep you around if at all if you can provide them with something of value. The biggest example of this is coffee because they are a caffeine addict.
Scenario 1:

Friend 1: What ya reading there?
Emma: a hot steamy spicy wicy yoai smut
Friend 1:What's wrong with you?!
Emma: Shut the fuck up I like to see men fucking

Scenario 2:
Friend 1: Emma, you seem sad
Emma: ugh, I haven't had my coffee yet
Friend 2: I'm getting coffee you want some?
Friend 1:Stop feeding her addiction she's too dependent on coffee
Emma: noooooooooo, I can stop IF it's necessary
Friend 1:exactly
by just for m'lady December 14, 2022
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