2 definitions by jackslub

To stare at an ass as if you were about to take a final quiz on said ass, in case your mind is preparing you for a buttquiz. Remember to note the roundness, juiciness, how farty it can get, and of course.. the poop per sandwich production ratio on that fine tail. Good luck.
Jerome was looking at Tya's ass for so long, he must be taking the buttquiz in 4th period tomorrow.
by jackslub December 27, 2022
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An abbreviation for Stupid Dumb Dick Brain Syndrome. S.D.D.B.S is an intense neurological disorder based on the needs of the male genitalia and the male sex hormone. This disorder creates a magnificent erotic fantasy play in one's brain no matter the woman they encounter, tantalizing, and paralyzing the dick owner. If you see a friend or loved one show intense sexual need for the most out-of-pocket women, such as your grandma, Guthrie, they should see a doctor immediately. If you see a friend or loved one fall in love with a woman from an anime, tv show, or the app Instagram, they also should see a doctor immediately. Stupid Dumb Dick Brain Syndrome can affect cognitive function up to 75% in severe cases, if you notice signs of Stupid Dumb Dick Brain Syndrome please call your family physician as soon as possible.
My dad has been suffering from S.D.D.B.S, and he has been trying to mack on the lunch ladies in my high school each day since the diagnosis, it's disgusting.. but he can't help his brain.
by jackslub January 21, 2023
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