2 definitions by j.tonic

a blandly rendered cookie-cutter style of American house, which is found primarily in suburban american towns.
That subdivision is full of ranchburgers, I need to live someplace with some soul.
by j.tonic February 16, 2005
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Late twentieth-century example of American architecture, which is characterized by an absence of the traditional ornament, associated with the architectural style it parodies. Early examples of the centempolonial were built to provide cheap, quickly built houses for G.I.'s returning home from World War II. Today, houses of this style are built to appeal to the widest group of potential homebuyers without regard to individual lifestyles. Synonyms include Ranchburger, McMansion, Contemporized Cape.
He's not a real builder, he builds contempolonial cookie-cutter houses.
by j.tonic February 16, 2005
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