1 definition by itsmeeeeeeeee

A tampon is a feminine product people use when they are on their period. To insert you simply open up your legs and stick it up your vagina. It will absorb all of the period blood inside your privates and voila, you don't have to wear a diaper or a pad. Girls and women find these very helpful when they pms. It does the job without showing a 'bulge' or making it obvious you are wearing a pad. They are very discreet.
Tampons can be found in almost any grocery store/ pharmacy. Popular brands of tampons are kotex and tampax. Just make sure that it stays hidden beneath your clothing or bathing suit.
1. Guy: Hey girl, you got a loose string on your bikini bottom. Let me get it for you.
Girl: No you creep that's my tampon string!

2. Girl: Ugh, I have to wear sweatpants so my pad is not obvious!
Friend: No you don't. Here's a tampon, nobody will see it
by itsmeeeeeeeee May 9, 2014
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