2 definitions by imobnoxious4456940thedevilšŸ˜­

the lasst name of people who gain weight are shortstops and have anger issues ahem MARC and jolie is not annoying she is amazing and everyone loves her but marc o god he is so annoying i wanna punch him the end
There last name is vignier
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The name of beautiful people who normally are the best ahem Jolie Francesca Vignier, but anyways jolie is usually a easily annoyed person anyone with the name of joloe is also sarcastic and they are able to take a joke in-line other people that they know. Jolieā€™s love to spend time on urban dictionary. Jolie is usually an athlete and they are always hungry for more, whether itā€™s Starbucks or dunkin or sports or trying new things they are also really popular
Hey look there is Jolie
Who is that
Get away from me
U donā€™t know who theee Jolie is
Well donā€™t tell her
She will bite ur head off
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