1 definition by imissedthebus123

Will is an epic gamer. He is the chillest, coolest, funniest, most perfect guy you will ever meet. On the outside he may seem intimidating, but he truly is a softie at heart. Will has bright, sparkly, stunning blue eyes and a smile that will never fail to brighten your day. He is the most amazing boyfriend you could ever ask for, and he always gives the best cuddles and kisses. He is an amazing listener, and always knows how to cheer you up even on your worst days. You know when you’ve had a really tough, exhausting day, and then you finally get to come home and get to crawl into the cozy blankets of your bed? That feeling is Will. He really is someone special.
person 1: my boyfriend is literally the most beautiful person inside and out

person 2: oh wow, you must be dating a Will. LUCKY!
by imissedthebus123 October 21, 2019
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