4 definitions by idk man red kinda sus

When you break every single bone in somebodies body.
"If you so much as leave a scratch on my wife I will break every single one of your bones till you are nothing but a jelly spider pancake"
by idk man red kinda sus October 6, 2020
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Where you are so unbelievably bored, have given up on life, or have an essay in school about goddamn air. FUCKING AIR. WHAT SCHOOL GIVES A ESSAY ON FUCKING AIR
Person 1: Bro fuck my essay about FUCKING AIR! WHAT FUCKING SCHOOL GIVES A ESSAY ON FUCKING AIR! HOLY FUCK! FUCK THIS SHIT *Types in ",mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewqsdfvbnmkoiuytrewedfvbnjhgfdcx"*
by idk man red kinda sus October 6, 2020
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What on earth are you doing here? How on earth did you get here? Did you smash your head onto your keyboard to get this? Or do you just have a essay on GODDAMN AIR in school?

Me: Can I beat Urban Dictionary *types in ,mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewqsdfvbnmkoiuytrewedfvbnjhgfdcx*
Urban Dictionary: Fuck no
Me: I don't want to do my essay on GODDAMN AIR so i'm typing ",mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewqsdfvbnmkoiuytrewedfvbnjhgfdcx"... What am I doing with my life?
by idk man red kinda sus October 6, 2020
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What is wrong with you? Why you you spent the time to write this? Is your school work to write an entire 10 page essay about your 1 inch dick? (plz don't get mad)
Person #1: Billy has never been the same since he got that weird ass teacher
Person #2: Wdym?
Billy: `\'/=;.1qaz-pl,2wsx0okm3edc9ijn4rfv8uhb5tgb7ygv6yjm
Person #2 Damn, that's sad...
by idk man red kinda sus October 6, 2020
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